How can I get more Cash & Credits?

There are several ways to get more Cash and Credits in the game. One way is to watch ads that appear as offers on the map screen or in the shop menu. Another way is to spin the Bonus Wheel or complete goals. You can also invite friends to join the game for free and receive rewards. If you want to purchase Credits directly, you can do so from the Shop page located in the bottom left section of the footer.

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How to invite friends?

To invite friends to play, tap on the Profile icon in the footer of the screen. You’ll see your personal invite link, which you can share directly from the app or copy to your clipboard and paste anywhere you like. When someone clicks on your invite link and installs the game right after clicking, they’ll be attributed to you as a user who came through your invite link and become part of your network. To view the users you’ve invited, tap on the Shield icon in the footer. This will display your network of users who have joined the game through your invitation.

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How do I use the Bonus Wheel?

To spin the Bonus Wheel, tap on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen and then press the Spin button. After watching a short 5-10 second ad, you’ll earn one of eight available rewards that are displayed on the wheel. For every 10 spins you make, you’ll earn a milestone reward, which you can track using the progress bar. Keep in mind that there’s a limit of 20 spins per day, and the clock resets every day at midnight. That means you can watch up to 20 ads each day to earn rewards.

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What is a Flight Pass?

FlightPass is a rewards system that lets you earn rewards as you progress through the game. You’ll always know what rewards to expect for reaching certain milestones, which makes it easy to track your progress. When you sign up for FlightPass, you’ll automatically get the Free pass, which gives you standard rewards for completing tasks. If you want even better rewards, you can opt in for the premium Business Pass. This gives you premium rewards for the same tasks, and you’ll also keep getting the Free rewards. The rewards you get with the Business pass are often 3 to 5 times higher in value than the Free rewards. If you only have the Free pass, you’ll only get Free rewards. But if you have the premium Business pass, you’ll get both Free and Business rewards. Together, they add up to 4-6 times the value of just the Free rewards. You can purchase the Business pass at any time for 15, 30, or 365 days.

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What is Quick Connect?

QuickConnect is a really easy and quick way to connect two airports without needing to draw lines on a map. To access QuickConnect, just click on the airport you want to connect to, and look for the “TOP DESTINATIONS” section at the top of the airport window. This will show you where passengers want to fly most. If there’s a city that isn’t already connected to your airport, you’ll see a QuickConnect icon next to it. Just click on that icon and your airports will be connected right away! QuickConnect is a special feature that makes playing the game easier, but it does cost Credits to use. Each connection costs 2 Credits.

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What are credits used for?

Credits are a special currency that can help you do lots of things in the game! You can use credits to open up new countries, create new routes, buy new planes, upgrade your airports and planes, and more. Credits are a premium currency, which means they’re really valuable! You can also use credits to unlock special premium features that you can’t buy with regular cash. If you want to use QuickConnect, which is a super easy way to connect airports without having to draw lines on a map, you’ll need to have some credits. Each QuickConnect connection costs 2 credits. And if you want to become the mayor of a particular city (airport), you’ll also need to use credits.

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How to earn cash?

The way you earn money in the game is by flying planes from one place to another. Every time a plane makes a trip from point A to point B, you’ll earn some cash based on how many passengers are on the plane. By default, you’ll get $1 for each passenger on the plane. So, the more passengers you can get on your planes, the more money you’ll make!

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How to upgrade airplanes?

To access your airport information, click on the airport you want to view. Then, look for the “ROUTES” tab at the bottom of the airport window. This will show you a list of all the routes you’re currently connected to. If you want to upgrade one of your planes to the next level, just tap on the airplane you want to upgrade. It’s super easy! Just keep in mind that level 10 is the highest level you can upgrade any plane to.

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